The traditional divorce system is broken

Many marriages end in divorce. It can happen to anyone, and it’s a difficult life transition. When you need to separate from your partner, you’ll want a fair divorce that's as painless as possible, both emotionally and financially, and that affects the children as little as possible.

Most of all, you want to build a new life. 

Unfortunately, the traditional divorce process makes you and your ex-partner adversaries in a legal fight where divorce lawyers make decisions about your children and your finances. The legal system is broken, and a divorce takes too much time and money. It often completely destroys what you have built together and becomes a devastating experience for your children.

The average cost of a separation/divorce in Canada is now over $51,000

Man in a dark vest using a laptop for divorce mediation while seated on an outdoor wooden chair
A person sitting pensively with hands clasped near the mouth, staring into the distance, by a window with sheer curtains, contemplating the steps ahead in their divorce mediation.

Work with a Divorce Resolution Mediator at Fairway Divorce Solutions

At Fairway Divorce Solutions, we are changing the way divorce happens. We provide families with a fair way to separate. Our Divorce Resolution Mediators offer a unique and proven divorce mediation program to safeguard your assets and protect your children. We take care of all aspects of your separation with specialists in legal, financial, and parenting matters. 

Since 2006, we have successfully guided more than 6500 families in Canada towards a mutually agreeable financial settlement and a parenting plan that ensures children benefit from positive co-parenting. We have a 95% success rate in completing separations within 120 days of financial disclosure.

Ornate ironwork featuring a lion's head amidst scroll designs, provided by Fairway Divorce Solutions.

Divorce mediation with a focus on what matters to you

Thousands of Canadians have trusted Fairway Divorce Solutions and reached a fair settlement. You can feel confident that you will get a separation agreement with the best possible outcome for yourself and your children. 

Our method works because we focus on what matters to you:


Reduce time

Separate in months, not years
You will reach a resolution within 120 days after financial disclosure is in place. If you each hire your own lawyers within the traditional legal system, then you have no control over time, and the divorce will drag on for years.


Reduce cost

Avoid shocking legal bills
We have a fixed fee that doesn’t change, so you know exactly what you are paying to go through the process of your divorce and reach a fair conclusion. Unlike lawyers and most mediators, we don’t work on an hourly basis.


Reduce stress

Independently negotiate a resolution
You will both move through the decision-making process separately. With our Independently Negotiated Resolution™ process, we reduce stressful interactions and avoid the power struggles that often interfere with making good decisions.


Protect the kids

Children should not be the victims
The Fairway Nurtured Children Plan™ ensures the best possible outcome for your children. We guide you through your divorce in a thoughtful, fair-minded way and make sure your children can thrive.

Karen’s story

When it comes to divorce, there's the old way - and there's a better way. I know because I learned the hard way.

Hello, my name is Karen Stewart.

More than two decades ago I found myself unexpectedly on the doorstep of divorce. Not knowing where to turn I asked my friends for a referral for “the best” lawyer money could buy. After five long years and over $500,000 in legal bills for myself alone, our ability to co-parent was destroyed, along with our net worth. I found out the hard way that hiring a lawyer and “fighting it out” simply makes no sense at all.

I set out to create a better way to resolve a separation, and in 2006 I founded Fairway Divorce Solutions®. Our team of more than 25 Divorce Resolution Mediators now operates from over 11 locations. After working with 6,500 couples across Canada, we know we have a process that works, regardless of whether you trust or get along with your ex.

I have dedicated my life’s work to changing how divorce happens because I care. I care about you and your children. I know there is light at the end of the tunnel when you find yourself in a situation where you and your partner need to separate.


Welcome To Fairway Divorce Solutions

A divorce can destroy what you have built up together and become a devastating experience for your children. At Fairway Divorce Solutions we remove the adversarial side of the divorce by taking you independently through a step-by-step process that resolves all financial and parenting issues from start to finish. Learn more about what makes us unique.

The Fairway Method™

Reach your fixed-fee separation agreement in 120 days after financial disclosure

Unlike a traditional divorce lawyer, we remove the adversarial side of the divorce by taking you independently through a step-by-step process that resolves all financial and parenting issues. We call it an Independently Negotiated Resolution™. Our method ensures that everyone becomes an empowered and informed decision-maker and that emotions do not play havoc with sound decision-making.

In less than 120 days of negotiation, your separation place can be finalized, and you can move on to a great life after divorce with a future-focused plan.


Define the best outcome

The Clear Road to a New Life® 

After you have both committed to a negotiated divorce resolution you meet one-on-one with your divorce mediator. You get a clear understanding of where you are right now and what the best possible outcome for your divorce would be. A family lawyer from your area will educate you on the current legal situation and other important information.


A fair financial agreement

Fairway Financial Pie™

We provide you with the tools to gather your financial information and clarify your financial situation. We facilitate the division of assets and agreement on spousal and child support. You protect the wealth you have created and build a foundation for your independent future.


A comprehensive parenting plan

Fairway Nurtured Children Plan™ 

Your Divorce Resolution Mediator helps you reach a child-focused co-parenting plan. It’s a comprehensive road map that provides the agreements and guidelines for positive parenting. It ensures a bright future for your children and peaceful holidays and family events throughout the year.


Execute your divorce resolution

Fairway Negotiated Resolution Plan™

A comprehensive divorce resolution plan captures all the details you and your former partner have agreed to. You get independent legal advice from your lawyer to execute your separation agreement. When it’s all done you can now focus on the future!

Why our clients appreciate working with our Divorce Resolution Mediators

Fairway Divorce Resolution Mediators are experts in mediation and negotiation with backgrounds in finance. We ensure your rights are protected and help you get an amicable divorce fast, so you can move on with your new life.

Vast experience in divorce mediation

We resolve more divorces in a year than a family lawyer in a lifetime.

With more than 25 Divorce Resolution Mediators in more than 11 locations, we have assisted 6,500 Canadian families in resolving a divorce and executing a separation agreement with a 95% success rate. With our divorce mediation process, we have helped protect more than 16,000 children from the needless harm of a divorce.

Solid Expertise in financial complexity

We have extensive experience with high-net-worth families.

Our Chartered Financial Divorce Specialists help you navigate complex financial arrangements. We provide a complete service with an extended network of financial specialists (including chartered accountants, financial planners and valuators). Our goal is to preserve your financial assets as much as possible.

Amicable divorce separation agreement in 120 days for a fixed fee

We find solutions that work for both parties without litigation

Going through a divorce is hard enough without litigation. We find amicable solutions rather than using adversarial tactics. For fair-minded couples with assets and children to protect, our flat fee, 120 days to resolution is the only guaranteed and proven process in Canada to achieve an amicable divorce.

Mediation from start to finish

Get access to the divorce resolution services and experts you need

Achieving an amicable agreement and finalizing your divorce requires multiple professionals. Our trained mediators and negotiators specialize in parenting and finance and ensure you get all the advice you need. At Fairway Divorce Solutions, we mediate, negotiate, and navigate your divorce from start to finish.

Woman smiling while holding a large coffee mug outdoors, feeling relieved after her successful divorce mediation with Fairway Divorce Solutions.
A woman holds a young girl on her hip by the beach; the girl extends her arms out as if to fly, while both appear to be smiling and enjoying the moment after a peaceful resolution through Fair Divorce Solutions Man reclining on a couch, smiling while looking at his smartphone after a smooth process with Fairway Divorce Solutions.
The ultimate Canadian divorce fact sheet

Download our fact sheet with the most important things you need to know when getting a divorce in Canada. How you choose to move through a divorce will define the next chapter of your life.

Our Divorce Services

For almost twenty years we have been incorporating best practices from mediation, negotiation and the traditional divorce system and creating processes that bring resolution to your divorce within 120 days of financial disclosure and allow you to move on with your new life.

a wooden blocks with words mediator, dispute, problem, and conflict

Divorce Mediation

Working with experienced and accredited professionals to find a mutually agreed upon outcome.
Intricately crafted metal gate featuring a lion's head surrounded by ornate scrollwork and floral patterns, symbolizing the path through divorce mediation offered by Fairway Divorce Solutions.

INR™ Independently Negotiated Resolution

Independently Negotiated Divorce Resolution where you have control from start to finish.
A symmetrical two-story house with a dark roof, stone and siding facade, and a covered front porch under an overcast sky becomes the serene setting for divorce mediation sessions held by Fairway Divorce

Property Division

Determining what are the matrimonial property assets, establishing values and dividing assets based on the law.
A young child celebrates a successful play while sitting on the floor between two adults, possibly during a board game, a scene reminiscent of happier times before discussions about divorce mediation.

Child Support

Determining who pays what and when as well as properly calculating a parent’s income is key to successful co-parenting.
Man with glasses wearing an apron, cutting vegetables in a kitchen, contemplating divorce mediation from Fairway Divorce Solutions.

Spousal Support

Determining the terms and obligation for one person to provide an ex-spouse financial support.
Elegant vintage door handles on a carved wooden door enhanced with Fairway Divorce Solutions mediation agreements.

Fast Track™ Divorce

Get a quick divorce with Fairway Divorce Solutions. Our fast-track divorce service simplifies the process, saving you time and stress. We prioritize your peace of mind.
Two individuals seated at a table during a divorce document signing, with a wedding band prominently displayed.

Separation Agreement

Drafting and signing your legal agreement, taken care of by our legal department of Airdrie divorce lawyers that captures all the divorce terms with regard to money and kids.
Two individuals in a discussion with one holding a Fairway Divorce Solutions document.

Divorce filing

Preparing and submitting all necessary paperwork to the courthouse so you can finalize your divorce.
a child talking to her father

Nurtured Children’s Plan™

Designing a co-parenting plan that nurtures your children so they thrive and it works for both parents.
a family of three standing near the beach

Custody Decision Making

Creating child custody and co-parenting plans that help children thrive and work for all members of the family.

ALLY™ Life After Divorce

Planning for your life after divorce helps you make better decisions during your divorce.
Close-up of classical architectural columns with Corinthian capitals, reminiscent of the stability and structure that Fairway Divorce Solutions aim to provide during divorce mediation.

SOLE™: supporting individuals through divorce negotiations

Designed specifically for individuals who need help with putting together well-thought-out divorce proposals.
a couple standing on the top of the mountain

Prenuptial, Postnuptial and Cohabitation Agreements

Agree on win-win terms now, for what happens to assets and money in the unfortunate case of a breakup.
a couple planning their finance

Financial Planning

Divorce financial planning for the division of property and protecting your assets.
a man drinking on his mug

Recalculation of Support

Updating income calculations and payments for both child support and spousal support.
a professional guy reading some paper

Facilitated Services

Ensuring that you have all the right professionals for your divorce settlement.

Divorce Law and Legal Services

We offer an alternative to the traditional divorce lawyer route, focusing on divorce mediation to ensure a smoother, more amicable resolution.

So call us now and find out about our fixed fee, 120 days to resolution divorce process.

Call us now and find out about our fixed fee, 120 days to resolution guarantee (after financial disclosure). In the meantime, download the Ultimate Canadian Divorce Fact Sheet with the most important things you need to know when getting a divorce in Canada. You can stop feeling guilty and fearful for your children and your assets and start looking forward to a new life.

Download Fact Sheet

Getting a divorce through the traditional system takes an average of 3 years in Canada. If you need courtroom litigation, this can be much longer

Karen’s books about divorce

After her own costly divorce, Karen's vision led to the creation of Fairway Divorce Solutions, the writing of these books, and a passion for advocating a change in the way divorce happens.
Divorce the Fairway book by Karen Stewart

Divorce the fair way

How to achieve a clean break. Karen draws on her own costly divorce and experiences after launching Fairway Divorce Solutions to provide a solid framework to help you navigate your divorce with dignity and move on with your life. Her proprietary process has helped thousands of families successfully resolve their divorces.

Divorcing? Book by Karen Stewart


How to end your marriage without wrecking your life. In a compelling, true-to-life story based on her own experience, Karen Stewart reveals the terrible damage that results from the present divorce system. What you read here can transform your divorce into what it should be – the end of one chapter in your life, and the positive beginning of another.

Divorce For Women by Karen Stewart

Divorce for Women

A guide to creating a great life after divorce. Are you currently struggling through a divorce, keen to seek out ways to alleviate some of the pain and stress that you are experiencing as a woman of divorce? This guide to life after divorce for women will offer you a step-by-step, “how to” road map to divorce and finances, divorce and kids, and the tools to lay the foundation for a great life.

Divorce for Men by Karen Stewart

Divorce for Men

A guide to creating a great life after divorce. Divorce does not have to be the moment in life that defines you. Instead, let your actions after divorce define you. This book for men covers critical aspects such as managing relationships with your children, handling financial matters, and laying the groundwork for a fulfilling post-divorce life. Embrace this chance to build a brighter future.

Client testimonials

Success comes in many forms. For us, it is hearing back from our clients and reading how we have changed their lives for the better. These stories are the reason we do what we do.

testimonials icon

This was the hardest thing I have gone through and I didn’t feel like I was doing it alone with the help of Sarah and everyone else at Fairway. She was extremely knowledgeable, patient, kind, understanding, relatable, empathetic and trustworthy. She tailored our agreement to meet our needs and the needs of our kids while keeping with family law. One million percent I would recommend them to anyone going through this. It will be okay.

- Waterloo Client October 2021

Certifications & Memberships

There is traditional mediation and traditional family law but at Fairway, we take family mediation and resolution accreditation to the next level. 

Fairway Divorce Solutions INR Certificate of Completion
Fairway Divorce Solutions INR Certified Professional
Fairway Divorce Solutions INR Certified INR Trainer
Chartered Financial Divorce Specialist logo
Canadian Academy Of Distinguished Neutrals logo
Certified Professional Coach logo
Chartered Investment Manager
Family Mediation Canada logo
Ontario Association for Family Mediation logo
Registered Family Mediator - Alberta Family Mediation Society logo
Personal Financial Planner logo
Family Dispute Resolution Institute of Ontario logo
ADR Institute of Canada logo
Certified Financial Planner logo
Chartered Accountants of Canada logo
Transformational Breath Certified Facilitator logo

Frequently asked questions

At Fairway, we understand that facing a divorce is daunting, bringing mixed emotions and many questions. We are committed to ensuring that you have the knowledge and tools to move through the process in a way that protects your assets and your children.

Property Division is governed at a provincial level. The federal Divorce Act does not have provisions for property or debt at the time of a marriage breakdown. Each province sets out the laws for the division of property and liability in their respective acts. Some, but not all regions, have common law legislation. While each province’s legislation is similar, there are some significant differences.

Decisions need to be made about property and children during a marriage or common-law breakdown. Unfortunately, there are no concrete rules regarding property division, which can result in lengthy conflict if not managed properly.

Most provinces start with the premise of 50/50 for matrimonial assets, but it is more complicated than that. A range of complexities from pre-marriage assets, inheritances, ownership of property, pensions, and businesses make it more difficult to divide. For example, in some provinces, the matrimonial home may be partially exempt, and in others, it is not. It is for this reason that getting professional advice is essential. Also, this is why there is an increase in the number of cohabitation and prenuptial agreements entered.

Each of the provincial family and property acts, differ slightly with how pre-marriage assets (businesses, home, investment, etc.) are handled. There is a provision for inheritances as well. The bottom line is that this area is complex and getting proper direction and advice makes sense. If you are concerned and not yet divorced or married, having a prenuptial or mid-nuptial agreement set out the terms is a good idea. If you are now getting a divorce without a pre-marriage agreement, then the recent court cases and the laws will lay the foundation for how this property will be divided. Regardless, there is always a way to resolve these issues without fighting.

You do not need a lawyer to get divorced. However, you should understand the pros and cons; when hiring a lawyer is the right thing to do and the risks of doing it on your own.

It is essential that you understand the matrimonial laws in your province. A lawyer can provide you with legal education and advice on how the laws may apply to your case. Following the laws and getting legal advice is not the same as hiring a lawyer to fight on your behalf. With a solid understanding of the requirements in your province and recent court case rulings, you can be positioned to negotiate your division without using lawyers to fight. Therefore, alternative dispute resolution for divorce is becoming the go-to method for getting it done and making decisions.

If there is family violence or a contested divorce, then, unfortunately, you may have to hire a lawyer and have them do what they are trained to do – fight on your behalf.

It is smart to have a lawyer, like at Fairway Divorce Solutions, draft the separation agreement to ensure that it uses the proper legal terminology to protect you and to receive independent legal advice before you sign a contract.

Using lawyers to educate and paper the deal is where they can bring the most value. Ask about recent case rulings in the courts that would be like yours. Information like this can confirm the basis of your approach to property division. Education is key to an outcome that is in your best interest and based on the law.

If you are telling the lawyer your side of the story – remember to tell them your spouse’s side of the story, even if you do not believe it. Ask your lawyer to tell you what advice they would give them if they were their client. This insight will very quickly let you know what you are up against if you choose to hire lawyers and fight it out.

A divorce lawyers wants to win. Winning is how they measure their success. While this may be prudent in business or criminal cases, a win-lose situation in family law can be catastrophic to relationships, careers, co-parenting and property. The price can be too high, and the results do not often justify the means.

Mediation or alternative dispute resolution is the best way to resolve an issue - period. You will avoid expensive legal bills and destruction to relationships and assets. Plus, you will not waste your time fighting over and over on trivial issues.

The best approach to dividing property and assets during separation is to have a talented team that is aware of the legal landscape and understands your needs and current financial situation. This team can include, mediators, lawyers, accountants, and financial experts. Depending on the complexity of your situation the group can be small or large. Either way, dividing property without using financial expertise is not a good idea. Hiring a mediator with a strong financial background to navigate your property division, will likely achieve better results.

Arbitration is becoming more common as the backlog in the court system is getting larger. Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution methodology whereby the parties agree to hire an arbitrator who will hear their case and render a legally binding decision. In matrimonial law cases, many couples are choosing mediation-arbitration (MedArb) as their lawyers encourage them to do so.

With MedArb, the divorcing couple hires a mediator and signs a contract that says that if they cannot reach a decision with the mediator, then the mediator can put on the arbitrator hat, and make a binding decision.

The problem with this approach is that the entire purpose of mediation is so the parties can be heard and share their opinions openly, with the help of the mediator, to achieve a win-win outcome. The couple has the protection of an open and honest process. By adding the arbitration clause, the parties always know that if they cannot agree on their own, the mediator can become an arbitrator and make a binding decision. The typical outcome of this contract is that most MedArbs end up with Arbitration because the parties are not comfortable being open and honest in the process. They know that what they say can and will be used against them. The arbitrator should not use the conversations that were had during the mediation sessions, to render a decision; however, they cannot control their unconscious bias.

Financial disputes are usually the primary cause of long drawn out litigation and court battles. In divorce cases where financial assets and property need to be divided, using someone who specializes in Independently Negotiated Resolution™ (INR) will yield better results. The step-by-step process empowers smart decisions with regard to the value of all the assets and property division. The job is not only to help you divide the pie but also to preserve your wealth, protect your assets and provide long-term security.

We want your decision on property division to stand the test of time. Given the complexity of many clients’ financial situations (business, trust accounts, options, SARS, RSU’s, shareholder agreements, real estate, family business, etc.) you cannot afford to spend time feuding when your time can be better spent analyzing and making sound decisions.

Our resolution experts have a strong financial background to ensure your assets are divided fairly and smartly. We use a mediation methodology that is directive and provides that both parties understand the law and the best way to distribute property, assets, and debts.

The Fairway INR process is designed to:

  • Protect your assets, so they are split in two and not in three ways
  • Ensure you understand the entire financial picture
  • Agree on values before you decide who gets what
  • Use experts to determine values so avoiding needless fighting
  • Avoid long-drawn-out expensive disclosures
  • Involve accountants and tax experts for sound decision-making
  • Consider both short- and long-term implications of financial division
  • Empower those who are less comfortable with numbers and financial decisions
  • Base all decisions on the Divorce Act", provincial family and property legislation and relevant court decisions

From broken to beautiful

Be the Architect of Your New Life


Helping Canadians with divorce mediation since 2006, with more than 25 Divorce Resolution Mediators in more than 11 locations.